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日期:2018-06-20 10:22:24 浏览次数:

  1. This is a watch. (变为复数)
   ____ ____ ____.
  2. Is that a chair? (给出否定回答)
   No, ____ ____.
  3. His keys are in the desk. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ his keys?
  4. I have a small toy. (变成否定句)
   I ____ ____ a small toy.
  5. Tom likes chicken. (改为一般疑问句)
   ____ Tom ____ chicken?
  6. Is Guo Peng your brother? (给出肯定回答)
   Yes, ____ ____.
  7. Does Bill have a soccer ball? (给出否定回答)
   No, ____ ____.
  8. Sandry eats lots of apples. (变成否定句)
   Sandry ____ ____ lots of apples.
  9. This sweater is $28. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ is this sweater?
   10. Her telephone number is 2974848. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ her telephone number?
   11. This is my sister. (改为一般疑问句)
   ____ ____ ____ sister?
   12. These are my brothers. (改为否定句)
   These ____ ____ my brothers.
   13. Is this a Chinese book? (给出否定回答)
   ____, it ____.
   14. Are these your parents? (给出肯定回答)
   ____, ____ ____.
   15. My name is Jim Green. (改为同义句)
   ____ ____ Jim Green.
   16. Jennifer is good at singing. (改为同义句)
   Jennifer is a ____ ____.
   17. Can Cindy sing this song in Chinese? (作肯定回答)
   ____, ____ can.
   18. May I know your name? (改为同义句)
   Please ____ ____ your name.
   19. Her brother wants to join the art club. (变为否定句)
   Her brother ____ ____ to join the art club.
   20. My brother wants to join the chess club. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ club ____ your brother want to join?
   21. Victor’s little sister can play the piano. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ can Victor’s little sister ____?
   22. Can you speak English? (改为同义句)
   Can you ____ it ____ English?
   23. His e-mail address is XT08@.sina.com. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ his e-mail address?
   24. The club can help the kids with swimming. (变为一般疑问句)
   ____ the club ____ the kids with swimming?
   25. Edward’s family name is Atkinson. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ is Edward’s ____ name?
  Ⅱ.将下列句子译成英语, 每空一词
  1. 玛丽,见到你很高兴。
   ____ ____ ____ ____, Mary.
  2. 琳达,谁是你的朋友?
   Linda, ____ is your ____?
  3. 你会拼读“星期三”吗?
   ____ you ____ “Wednesday”?
  4. 让我们打排球吧!
   ____ ____ volleyball.
  5. 克拉克早饭吃许多健康的食品。
   Clark eats ____ of ____ food ____ breakfast.
  6. 比尔不会唱歌和跳舞。
   Bill ____ sing ____ dance.
  7. 请拨打电话622-4868找杰克。
   Please ____ Jack ____ 622-4868.
  8. 杰夫想参加艺术俱乐部。
   Jeff ____ ____ ____ the art club.
  (本文来自:WwW.BdfqY.Com 千叶帆文摘:七年级(上)期末重点句子专练)9. 你奶奶多大年纪了?
   ____ ____ is your grandmother?
   10. 斯格特通常何时洗澡?
   When ____ Scott usually ____ a shower?
   11. 请把这些课本拿到教室里去。
   Please ____ these books ____ the classroom.
   12. 你通常几点吃晚餐?
   ____ ____ ____ you usually eat dinner?
   13. 我们的科学老师工作时间很长。
   Our science teacher ____ very ____ hours.
   14. 你爸爸最喜欢的食物是什幺?
   What’s your ____ ____ food?
   15. 我们的生物老师很严厉,但他的课确实有趣。
   Our biology teacher is very ____, but his class is ____ ____.
   16. 音乐听起来很轻松。
   Music ____ ____.
   17. 那是一部非常成功的电影。
   That is a ____ ____.
   18. 我认为记录片很枯燥。
   I think ____ are ____.
   19. 我们有各种颜色的外套。20美元一件。
   We have coats ____ all colors ____ only $20 ____.


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