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日期:2018-06-15 20:27:40 浏览次数:

  [摘要] 目的 探讨同伴支持对中重度牙周炎患者口腔保健自我效能和口腔健康生活质量的影响。 方法 选取2015年1月~2016年3月到广东省中山火炬开发区医院治疗的中重度牙周炎患者60例作为研究对象,要求患病时间超过1年、病情相对稳定,在常规治疗基础上行同伴支持干预。在干预前和干预2个月后,分别采用口腔保健自我效能量表(SESS)和老年人口腔健康生活质量评价指数(GOHAI)进行调查,比较前后差异。 结果 同伴支持干预后SESS定期口腔就诊的自我效能、正确刷牙的自我效能、平衡饮食的自我效能3个维度评分高于干预前评分,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。同伴支持干预后GOHAI总分,口腔生理功能、疼痛与不适、心理功能和行为影响4个维度和大部分条目评分低于干预前,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 同伴支持干预对于提高中重度牙周炎患者口腔保健自我效能和口腔健康生活质量具有良好作用。
  [关键词] 口腔健康生活质量;口腔保健自我效能;同伴支持
  [中图分类号] R783.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)01(b)-0158-04
  The effect of peer support on the oral health self-efficacy and the oral health quality of life for moderately and severe periodontal diseases
  JIA Jinling JIA Ning
  Department of Stomatology, Zhongshan Torch Development District Hospital, Guangdong Province, Zhongshan 528437, China
  [Abstract] Objective To explore the effect of peer support on the oral health self-efficacy and the oral health quality of life for moderately or severe periodontal diseases. Methods 60 patients with moderately or severe periodontal diseases were selected as the research subjects in Zhongshan Torch Development District Hospital from January 2015 to March 2016, who should be in ill more than 1 year while the disease relatively stable. All patients were accepted peer support intervention based on the routine treatment. Before the intervention and 2 months later, self-efficacy scale for self-care (SESS) and geriatric oral health assessment index (GOHAI) were investigated and compared. Results The self-efficacy of regular dental clinic, brushing teeth right, balanced diet of SESS after intervention were significantly higher than those before intervention, with statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). The total score and the scores of the oral function, the pain and discomfort and the psychological function and behavior influence of GOHAI after intervention were significantly lower than those before intervention, with statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). Conclusion Peer support has active effect on the oral health self-efficacy and the oral health quality of life for moderately or severe periodontal diseases.
  [Key words] Oral health quality of life; Oral health self-efficacy; Peer support


齿松动移位、咀嚼无力、牙齿酸软甚至脱落,甚至诱发心脏病、抑郁症、血液病等严重疾病。牙周病的发病除与年龄、性别以及先天因素等有关外,还与个人生活行为方式有密切相关,因此,口腔卫生健康教育、促进患者采取有效口腔卫生措施对牙周病防治具有重要意义[1-2]。同伴支持是近年来在国内外应用于慢性病防治的一项有效干预措施,它是指具有相同年龄、性别、生活环境和经历、文化和社会地位或由于某些原因使具有共同语言的人在一起分享信息、观念、情感或行为技能的教育形式,通过分享他人的知识、经验,提供相应的情感、社会和实践的支持,强化其他医疗服务,如帮助病人依从日常生活调整、激发动机、应对慢性病的压力等,帮助患者达到和维持复杂的自我管理行为以控制症状、维持健康[3]。本研究拟采用同伴支持模式,通过同伴教育的形式,组织大家在院外开展自我效能管理,通过口腔保健自我效能量表(self-efficacy scale for self-care,SESS)和老年人口腔健康生活质量评价指数(geriatric oral health assessment index,GOHAI)进行评估,探讨对中重度牙周病患者实行同伴支持干预后患者口腔保健自我效能和口腔健康生活质量的变化。


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