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日期:2018-07-18 11:22:50 浏览次数:

  I recently visited a friend in Malibu, a visible beautiful beach north of Los Angeles. As I walked along the sand, I was held attention by the warm wind, the sound of the ocean, and the light shine off the wa-ter. Glancing at the luxurious1 houses lin-ing the shore, I imag-ined that this was as good as it gets.
  Then the rains came. Hour after hour, day after day, the rains pounded down. My friend’s garage roof leaked. The stuff she was storing there all had to be moved. When the storm was over, armies of ants marched through her kitchen.
  In the midst of the disorder, a national news correspondent called and asked if she could come out with a television crew to film the scene. Puzzled, my friend asked, “ Why?”
  The woman replied, “Well, all around the country people get excited if they hear that s


ome-thing’s gone wrong in Malibu.”
  We take pleasure in others’ misfortunes when we envy2their apparent happiness. Hearing about another person’s success, we might think,“Oh, I would be happier if you had just a little bit less go-ing for you right now. You don’t have to lose every-thing, of course, just a slight damage of that glow would be nice.” We react as though good fortune were a limited goods, so the more someone else has, the lessthere will be for us. As we watch someone else partake of the supply of joy, our hearts may sink—we’re not going to get our share. But someone else’s pleasure doesn’t cause our unhappiness. We make ourselves unhappy because our nega-tivity makes us alone.
  An other option to feeling painfully cut off is to learn to rejoice in the happiness of others. In Buddhist3 teaching, this is called sympathetic joy. Sympathy4 is commonly used in the sense of feeling badly for others, but learning to share their joy revolutionize our thinking about where we can find happi-ness. Usually we rejoices in what we get, not in what others have. But sympathetic joy is a practice of willingness to give, and giving isn’t just about doing someone a favor, it makes us feel better.


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