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日期:2018-07-17 10:25:20 浏览次数:

  1. There is no need to hide it from him. he seems (知道了)the truth. (know)
  2. When the ship hit an iceberg and started to sink, the captain (最后一个离开)the ship. (leave)
  3. Though his older son lost his life in the battle field, the mother decided to (把第二个儿子送到)to the front. (have)
  4. When asked (我想要谁做)the job, I was at a loss. (have)
  5. Before he rose to fame, his family was very poor and he had only a shabby room
  (居住). (live)
  6. The boy came home very late last night.
  (更准确的说),he came home early this morning. (exact)
  7. It’s (你真考虑周到送我)a card on my brithday. (considerate)
  8. How long (你开车去)t

专练十九 完成句子(动词不定式)

he downtown with so many road under repair? (it)
  9. With all the work completed, it is unnecessary (我留在这儿)any more. (leave)
  10. With (这幺多的事情要处理), the new government is facing a challenge. (deal)
  11. Seeing the window of his car broken, the driver didn’t know (责备谁). (blame)
  12. Finding the sentence (很难理解), he turned to the teacher for help. (understand)
  13. She has to stay at home, for she has a big family (要维持). (support)
  14. (为了逃避惩罚),they kept silence about the accident. (avoid)
  15. After a firce quarrel with her parents, the girl left home, never (杳无音信)again. (hear from)
  16. When I got off the train, it
  (碰巧下雨). (happen)
  17. Though your composition is well written, much remains (改进). (improve)
  18. Tom is said (设计)a new program recently, but I don’t know when he will finish it. (design)
  19. The boy whose English is very poor is said (出国了). (go)
  20. The patient (即将做手术的) had his right leg broken in the football match. (operate)


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