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日期:2018-06-16 10:05:38 浏览次数:

  在2006年的爱情电影中,The Break-up无疑是最成功的一部,3810万美元的首映收入使其成为历史上首映收入第三高的爱情喜剧。影片的男女主角分别由好莱坞当红喜剧影星Vince Vaughn和Jennifer Aniston主演。整个影片中,有很多男女主角斗嘴的情节,特别是Vaughn扮演的Gary身为明星导游,靠嘴皮子吃饭,语速很快、用词尖刻,他与女主角的犀利对白堪称一部英文斗嘴圣经。当然,在颇为搞笑的语言背后,影片也充满了对爱情生活的哲理阐释,在潜移默化中,让我们对爱情又多了一份深深的了解。
  Gary(Vince Vaughn饰演)是芝加哥某旅行公司的明星导游,很受游客欢迎。他能说会道,满嘴俏皮话,几秒钟内就可以惹得人哈哈大笑。Brooke(Jennifer Aniston饰演)则在一家私人艺术画廊工作,颇有艺术修养,比起经常滔滔不绝的Gary,她更为内敛。
  Gary: You know, we can clean the dishes tomorrow.
  Brooke: Gary, you know I don’t like waking up to a dirty kitchen.
  Gary: Who cares?
  Brooke: I care! All right? I care! I busted my ass all day cleaning this house and then cooking that meal. And I worked today. It would be nice if you said thank you and helped me with the dishes.
  Gary: Fine. I’dl help you do the damn dishes.
  Brooke: No. See? That’s not what I want.
  Gary: You just said that you want me to help you do the dishes.
  Brooke: I want you to want to do the dishes.
  Gary: Why would I want to do dishes?
  Brooke: Why? See, that’s my whole point.
  Gary: Let me see if I’d following this, okay? Are you telling me that you’re upset because I don’t have a strong desire to clean dishes?
  Brooke: No. I’d upset because you don’t have a strong desire to offer to do the dishes.
  Gary: I’d busting my ass to be the best tour guide in the damn city, so I can make enough money to support both of us and hopefully you won’t have to work one day.
  Brooke: I want to work. All I ask, Gary, is that you show a little bit of appreciation.
  在这招失败之后,黔驴技穷的Gary大喊受够了,要be left alone,气头上的Brooke摔门离去,从此开始了两人的冷战。
  Brooke: I asked him to do one thing and he didn’t do it. Then he complained that he had to do anything. ... I just want him to care enough about this relationship to want to work on it...Okay. Tonight just...It just got a little out of hand, and hopefully he’s just gonna realize that he’s got some changes to make and he’s gonna... He’s gonna come home and apologize.
  而Gary所考虑的却与Brooke完全不同。在Gary看来,Brooke只是拿一些琐碎的事情来烦他:We had a fight over the groceries I brought home.而对于Brooke分手的气话,他可是认真对待,继而竟然想到他们分手后财产的分割,全然没有努力挽回两人关系的意思。结果可想而知,Brooke回到家,发现Gary已经对两人在房子的活动空间进行了分割:卧室属于Brooke,客厅属于Gary。Gary在客厅私自安放了台球桌,当然客厅的一切也都是乱翻了天。自此两人的战争开始升级——先是Brooke按照Gary的逻辑,请自己的弟弟到自己卧室组织歌唱团,后来又听从自己老板的建议,开始和帅哥约会以刺激Gary,希望他能努力挽回这段感情。不过Gary显然不为所动,他做的一切似乎更要逼迫Brooke搬走。最后,为了报复Brooke和其他男人吃饭,Gary竟然在家里招了几个脱衣舞女,大跳艳舞。Brooke伤心至极,在朋友的调解下,两人开始正式的分手谈判:
  Gary: Well, the only logical thing that I can think of is for her to move out of the condo, and then to pay me some sort of a penalt(本文来自:www.bdFqY.cOM 千 叶帆文 摘:分手男女)y as compensation for the labor that I did all around the condo.


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